How to make users actually read your online content?

Tips to Make Your Content Easy to Digest!

via Unsplash

Are you tired of squinting at your computer screen, trying to make sense of the text? You're not alone! With so much information available online, users tend to quickly scan the page to find what they're looking for.

Reading from a screen can be more difficult than reading from a paper. The constantly emitting light and unstable image can make it harder for our eyes to focus.

There are some simple and effective ways to make your online content easy to digest and user-friendly. Let's dive in!

  • When designing your webpage, keep in mind that people use their peripheral vision to scan the screen and usually decide what the page is about. So, it's important to avoid putting distracting animations or blinking elements in their peripheral vision if you want them to focus on a certain part of the screen.

The text in the middle of the screen is in the central vision and the text sideways are in the periphral vision of the user.
  • Using all capital letters can come off as shouting to your audience, so save them for necessary actions like deleting files. Instead, use a meaningful title or headline to give people an idea of what the page is about.

To highlight a text, not everything has to be in capital letters. You can use font weight-a nd font size to emphasize text.
  • When it comes to the text on your page, break up long paragraphs into bullet points and use simple language that's easy to understand. Adding icons or images can help your audience quickly grasp the main idea.

Break long paragrahs in short bullet points using icons to help users scan the text.
  • Did you know that people read faster with longer line lengths? But, they prefer shorter line lengths for easier reading. If your audience needs to read quickly, like with news articles or blog posts, a longer line length (80-100 characters per line) might work best. For other content, like informational pages, shorter line lengths (45-72 characters per line) might be more user-friendly.

  • Center-aligned headings can be a great way to catch attention, but be careful not to use them for long paragraphs. It may look good on desktop view but can become difficult to read on mobile devices when the paragraph length increases. Keep your alignment consistent throughout your whole page or website for the best user experience.

The centre alignment of the text may seem appropraite in desktop view but the same may not be readable in mobile view as the paragrahg length increases in mobile view.
  • Regarding paragraphs, it's recommended to keep the line height 1.5 times the font size for easy reading. Make sure your font size is at least 16px for paragraphs. For text with smaller font sizes, like captions or labels, providing good letter spacing can make it easier to read.

Different views of line height when kept at 1.2 and 1.5 for the same paragraph

In conclusion, making your online content easy to read and engaging is key to keeping your audience's attention. Remember to keep your language simple, use visuals to support your content, and keep the user experience in mind as you design your page. I hope these suggestions have been helpful, and I wish you all the best as you continue to craft content that stands out in today's digital landscape. Keep reading, keep learning, and keep creating!



Tweet of the week-

Tweet by Derek Blasberg- Rihanna headlined the world’s largest sports event halftime show on a piece of glass suspended in midair in the middle of the stadium—whilst pregnant. “I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men. They are far superior and always have been.” William Golding, 1954


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